H.A.R.D. 基金会欣然宣布新一届董事名单。H.A.R.D. 基金会董事会在三月份的董事会会议上一致通过了新董事名单。新董事在基金会上次会议上投票选举产生,他们受到了董事会同事的欢迎,并立即参加了会议。

请与我们一起欢迎 H.A.R.D. 基金会新一届董事会成员:



Gene 终生居住在东湾,是一名退伍军人,在金融行业工作了 20 年。他对非营利组织的财务非常熟悉。Gene 很高兴能加入董事会,他认为 "帮助有需要的人参与 H.A.R.D. 提供的所有活动非常重要"。Gene 在观澜湖打高尔夫球,小时候是 Plunge 的常客。


Sabrina Aranda海沃德联合学区学生和家长支持计划二级主任。

Sabrina lives in Hayward where she was born and raised. She has experience working for Jumpstart, a national nonprofit organization that provides resources to pre-school children from low-income areas. She is a current member of the Community Advisory Committee for H.A.R.D. and is a Board member of the Hayward Education Foundation. She “enjoys bridging the gap for students in Hayward and the surrounding area.”



迈克尔曾担任金丝雀基金会合作伙伴副总裁,在他的领导下,为在圣何塞市中心举办印第赛车比赛筹集了超过 $25 百万美元的资金。迈克尔的父亲是 H.A.R.D.的第一位水上主管,并成立了飞鱼游泳队。迈克尔说:"我就是在 H.A.R.D. 的游泳池里长大的。迈克尔一生都居住在海沃德和卡斯特罗谷。他期待着参与其中,帮助 H.A.R.D. 基金会有所作为。



在 H.A.R.D. 基金会寻找全职执行董事期间,Lori 曾担任该基金会的顾问。咨询合同结束后,Lori 继续为基金会提供志愿服务,并随时应邀提供帮助。无论是作为顾问还是作为董事会成员,洛丽都拥有丰富的非营利组织工作经验。洛莉说:"作为伊甸园地区的长期居民,我和我的家人长期以来一直受益于 H.A.R.D. 的项目和设施,能够参与帮助基金会扩大 H.A.R.D. 在社区中的影响,我感到非常荣幸。

Board President, Linda Cliff shared, “Joining the H.A.R.D. Foundation’s Board of Directors is both a privilege and a responsibility. As we welcome Gene Anderson, Sabrina Aranda, Michael Croghan, and Lori Taylor to our team, we embrace their diverse expertise and shared passion for serving our community. Together, we look forward to harnessing our collective strengths to further the Foundation’s mission of ensuring equitable access to recreational programs and facilities for all residents. Let us embark on this journey with enthusiasm and dedication, knowing that our collaborative efforts will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.”