
 2023 年 11 月 20 日

联系人: Nicole Espinoza Roa l l 510-888-0111 Nicole Espinoza Roa l RoaN@HaywardRec.org l 510-888-0111


捐赠彰显了 H.A.R.D 户外教育的公平理念

加利福尼亚州海沃德;(2023 年 11 月 20 日)

海沃德地区娱乐与公园管理区(H.A.R.D.)和 H.A.R.D. 基金会非常高兴地宣布,我们获得了弗里蒙特银行基金会(Fremont Bank Foundation)$100,000 美元的资助。这笔赠款旨在满足我们社区的关键需求,并通过娱乐、教育,特别是振兴硫磺溪自然中心,进一步实现该区丰富所有居民生活质量的使命。

H.A.R.D.’s upcoming project is the redesign and reimagining of the Sulphur Creek Nature Center, a beloved facility within our community. Construction is set to commence in late Fall of 2023, and the $100,000 Fremont Bank Foundation grant will assist with funding for the following key components:

户外教室: 铺面凉亭:为互动学习机会、营地、实地考察和社区活动提供遮阳和遮蔽。

露天剧场: 露天体育场,设有乡村原木座椅,可举办讲座和演出。

Wayfinding Signage: Comprehensive messaging to orient visitors and provide educational materials about the center’s animal residents and native flora and fauna.


该项目的奠基仪式将于 2023 年 12 月 7 日星期四中午 12:00 在硫磺溪自然中心举行。

H.A.R.D.’s mission is deeply rooted in providing a diverse range of recreational activities, parks, and facilities that promote health and wellness, learning, and fun for individuals of all ages and abilities within our community. The organization currently serves more than 309,000 residents across 110 sites, covering 1,369 acres, and offering a myriad of programs tailored to youth, teens, adults, seniors, and those with developmental disabilities.


海沃德联合学区有 68% 名学生有资格享受免费或减价膳食,超过了该州 60% 的平均水平。

9% of households within H.A.R.D.’s jurisdiction fall below the federal poverty level.

21% 的家庭声称有一名残疾成员。

根据美国人口普查局的数据,14% 的人口年龄超过 65 岁。

鉴于这些社会经济挑战,H.A.R.D. 和 H.A.R.D. 基金会在确保我们社区的每个人,无论经济状况或能力如何,都能使用丰富的户外娱乐设施和项目方面发挥了重要作用。特别值得一提的是,在 2021 年秋季至 2022 年夏季期间,约有 1,800 人未支付任何费用,4,729 人支付的 H.A.R.D. 课程费用低于 $10。我们的目标是进一步扩大这些机会。

“The Nature Center enhancements will make the facility more welcoming, accessible, and popular among Hayward community members, particularly students from diverse neighborhoods who will benefit from unique educational opportunities.” H.A.R.D. Board of Directors President Rick Hatcher.

The Fremont Bank Foundation’s commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all aligns perfectly with the mission and vision of H.A.R.D. and the H.A.R.D. Foundation.

"弗里蒙特银行执行副总裁兼弗里蒙特银行基金会总裁/执行董事布莱恩-休斯(Brian Hughes)说:"方便的公园和娱乐设施是我们湾区城市和社区的核心。"弗里蒙特银行基金会寻求丰富和保护自然资源的方法,这为每个人提供了分享美景的机会。焕然一新的硫磺溪自然中心将成为子孙后代理想的户外聚会场所"。

这笔赠款将与 OEEF 赠款合并,后者为该项目提供了 $500,000 美元的资金。

有关海沃德地区娱乐公园区的更多信息,请访问 www.HaywardRec.org;有关 H.A.R.D. 基金会的信息,请访问 https://thehardfoundation.org/;有关弗里蒙特银行基金会的信息,请访问 www.fremontbank.com。

The Fremont Bank Foundation is an independent, private, grant-making foundation that is solely funded by Fremont Bank.  It was established in 1995 under the direction of Fremont Bank’s late founder, Morris Hyman, and his wife, Alvirda. The foundation’s mission is to provide financial assistance to nonprofit organizations that implement services and programs to enhance the quality of life for all people in the communities served by the bank. The foundation is located in Fremont, CA.

媒体联系人:Janet Haney,;415-902-4283Janet Haney,janet@janethaney.com;415-902-4283

The Hayward Area Recreation & Park District, known locally as “H.A.R.D.,” is an independent special use district created to provide park and recreation services for over 309,000 residents. Our boundaries encompass a 100 square-mile area, which includes the City of Hayward and the unincorporated communities of Castro Valley, San Lorenzo, Ashland, Cherryland, and Fairview. For more information, visit HaywardRec.org.

媒体联系人:Nicole Espinoza Roa,;510-888-0111 Nicole Espinoza Roa,RoaN@HaywardRec.org;510-888-0111

海沃德地区娱乐公园区 (H.A.R.D.) 基金会成立于 1983 年,其目标是提高海沃德地区娱乐公园区的公园设施和娱乐项目的质量。H.A.R.D 基金会由一个由社区成员组成的全志愿者团体领导,募集急需的资金,以确保所有社区成员都能使用这些设施和项目。H.A.R.D. 基金会相信,投资社区公园和娱乐项目对社区的整体健康至关重要。

媒体联系方式: Steve Love,LovS@HaywardRec.org;510-514-5722

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自 1944 年以来,H.A.R.D. 通过人员、公园和计划创建社区